Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another break


Looks like I took a few months off, unintentionally, of course. Life just sometimes gets in the way. (oh, that...and pinterest).

I wanted to share that I recently have become obsessed with a few things.

Pickle Wrap Dip Ahmazing. And simple. 1 package of cream cheese, 1 package of beef lunch meat (I use Buddig) and some pickles. Chop the meat and pickles and mix. Add in a little pickle juice to make thinner if needed. Serve with crackers. I really like it with club crackers. YUMMY. The boys like it too.

Kim's Magic Pops.  They are similar to a flat rice cake, but bigger. and sold at HyVee. I've only had three flavors. My favorite is cheese. YUMMY. Emerson likes them, Spenny does NOT.

Oreos. Not just some plain ones, which are ok, but Oreos. It started around Valentine's day I think, Oreo was celebrating it's 100th birthday and they came out with these delish birthday Oreos. I thought, oh, fun, they say 100 on them, I'll bet Spenny will like that! Honestly, I don't think he got to try one. and I bought probably 5 ok, fine... 10 boxes of them total. LOVE them. They have the normal oreo cookie, but on the inside is Funfetti frosting. So good. I haven't seen any in stores lately, if you do, please let me know so I can buy them ALL.

This obsession with Oreo's led me to start trying other new and unusual Oreo products. Golden Oreos with Sherbert frosting (not such a fan, too sweet and the frosting literally looked like playdough). Regular Double Stuffed Golden Oreos (really good, a little more...lighter? than a regular Oreo), Golden Fudge Covered birthday Oreos (Seriously delish. only one cookie, frosting fudge and sprinkles!) Most recenty I just finished off the container of Breyer's Blast's Birthday Cake Oreo ice cream. Probably just as good as the birthday cake Oreos, if not better, since it also included ice cream.  I even have a Pinterest board now called All the things OREO. Can't wait to start cracking on the list.

Popcorn Shrimp. Ok this isn't mine, it's actually Spenny's. Who knew the pickiest kid alive would decide that he likes pop corn shrimp and actually asks for it 2 out of 3 nights? He doesn't get it that often, thank goodness, but loves it.

Fruit. We love fruit, especially in the summer when it's nice and fresh. We had a fruit salad last weekend that I loved, kids not so much. I read a recipe or 2 online and decided just to make my own. Sliced strawberries, bananas, apples and blueberries were the fruits involved. I made a sauce with cinnamon, honey and lemon juice then poured it one, mixed it up and enjoy. I think the kids were mostly upset that the fruit wasn't just fruit. Oh well, more for me :D

We also tried grilling pizza...not such a successful attempt, but might try again when we have more time and can plan ahead a little more.

That's about it that's happening in the food world around here.

Until next time :) (Which hopefully won't be another several months).